I stayed home this year, and handed out candy (dressed as scooby-doo) and Chris along with his brother Rob took the kiddo's out trick-or-treating. I was hoping my kids could hang in there, because Chris had the same mentality he probably had when he was ten years old which was "get as much candy as humanly possible". Here they are before heading out!

And..... here they are when they were all done! They came back and emptied those pumpkins into my huge bucket quite a few times! I should probably throw it away, but I have to say we STILL have tons of Halloween candy!

Brooks was our little Dalmatian

My two little munchkins!!

Brooks fueling up before heading out!

So... You may have seen Chris wear this before, and you will for sure see him wear it again in the future! He got this Mariachi suit on his mission in Mexico, and decided at some point that this was going to be his Halloween costume for the rest of his life! Seriously you've never seen pants so tight!

Charli was our beautiful Rapunzel this year! She hadn't even seen tangled yet, but wanted to be Rapunzel from watching the Barbie movie, and reading the book. Needless to say she is in LOVE with tangled!
I can't count how many times I went to the pumpkin patch this year! We went once as a family, I went with Charli and her class, then we went like 100 times to the one right by my house, because my kids loved this big slide made out of a huge pipe!! Not to mention the baby chickens, cows, peacocks, pigs, horses, goats and the list goes on.

Here's Chris and Brooks on one of our quick trips to Carlton Farms (right down the street from us) because Charli loved this little train! Brooks was pretty indifferent:)

All smiles!

I don't know why I threw this pic in the mix, but I just love his little face all bundled up! Of course we were on our way to the pumpkin patch!

Our pumpkins this year..... that we carved a little to early AGAIN!! Haha!
Charli's Class went also went to Carlton Farms, and of course the parents were invited! It was super fun, except for the fact that it lightly rained half the time, and Brooks was hating his stroller, and letting me and everyone else know it!! Charli still had a blast, as she always does doing any activity!

Charli and Grace Bates

Charli and Ms Teresa!

Charli and Grace Mitchell!

Charli's class! It was also this month that Charli told us about her boyfriend! (which she still has by the way) His name is Diego, and he's the little guy in the orange coat with the green boots! He's the cutest kid ever, with a little Spanish accent! I'm glad she has good taste hahaha!

Brooks favorite food = spaghetti!

Ok so check out those eyes!! At some point during this month he decided to give us this pose every time I pulled out the camera! It made me laugh so hard, because he honestly did it every time for at least 2 weeks straight!

Just random nights at home!

The "look" again!

At the beginning of the month we took the kids to "The Farm" which is most amazing pumpkin patch ever. Its family owned and they really go all out! They have duck races, amazing food, hay rides, fishing, petting zoo, play ground, and they even do a "3 little pigs show" where they have trained the pigs to come out of their little houses at just the right moment! It's AWESOME!! The only negative is that it can be pretty crowded on Saturdays which happens to be when we went.
Charli on the swing
Brooks and Charli on the swing
1 comment:
Ok, I'm dying for Brooks's "look!!" How cute is he??? Look like you guys have a lot of fun! Can't wait to see you guys in May! :)
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