I'm not sure how many of you out there are football fans, but if you are at all I'm sure you're familiar with the name Brett Farve. After 17 years with the Greenbay Packers, this morning he retired as one of the best quarterbacks of all time. He holds just about every record in the book. Brett Farve is by far Chris's favorite football player ever. He is totally heartbroken and is acting as if he died!! Because Chris is such a huge fan, I slowly became one too, and it is pretty sad. Next NFL season won't quite be the same, but on the bright side, I think next year is gonna be all about the SEAHAWKS!
So this is when Chris turned my little girl into a little boy! During the playoffs my friend Ellen sent us this little outfit, because she is from greenbay and a Big time Packers/Brett Farve fan. Needless to say, Chris was excited and every time they played dressed her up as his little greenbay packer!
Sarah- That is so funny chris dressed up charli! It's adorable! Let's get together when i get back.
i love your blog! i am sorry to hear about the ticket you got. that is completely lame. i had such a great time meeting you at the pugmires a couple weeks ago! we should get together with amy and our kiddies sometime soon. talk soon!
OH my gosh, so mom came upstairs today and she had somehow found your blog and she had printed off the picture of your baby with the hat on and I about died!! She is the cutest thing I have ever seen!! My mom thought she was so cute she had to show me!! Wow you too need to just keep on reproducing!! I wish you were in Utah I would have loved to have you at my wedding, I'll make sure and send an announcment!!
My little brother is obsessed with Brett too! He is all we ever hear about! I'm going to see him this weekend... I'm a little nervous! :)
I love Charli's "uniform"! Too cute!
hopefully you got my text. your blog is being weird and won't let me leave a comment on the birthday post. I am back so let's get together this week.
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