Last week, we had some bad weather, and had to try and find some fun things to do inside. Someone threw out the idea of Chuck-E-Cheese, and we figured Charli might just be old enough to have a little bit of fun there! I have to admit, I know kids love places like this, and they have loads of fun, but I can't help but think of how filthy these places are, with all the bare feet, slimy hands, runny noses, slobber, and just overall grossness that my baby will be surrounded by! But I have to remember I was once one of the kids that loved these places, and I survived, so whatever, that's what washing your hands is for right! So of course we went and lots of fun. I think pizza might be Charli's favorite food already! Every time we eat it (I especially noticed when we were here), she can eat nearly two whole pieces herself! Not counting all the bites she decides to throw on the floor of course. Anyways after pizza, we put her on a few of the little rides that barley move, and after finally getting her to sit, without crawling down, she seemed to really enjoy herself.
Charli really seems to prefer to go up the slide, rather then go down.
It was really fun watching her run around this place, and I can't wait until she's old enough to enjoy real rides, and we can finally go to Disney Land! Seriously, let me know if you want to go, because I'm really going to plan a trip!
1 comment:
I'm ready to go next September! Let's plan it! We'll just make Kristi wait and come with us... it'd be fun to get a big group together and go, especially at that time when the park is so empty the kids can run around and still be safely in your site!
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