Charli is going through a really fun stage right now, where she is completely 100% attached to me. Call it stranger anxiety or whatever, but I can't seem to leave her sight for even a second without her crying, looking for me. It's really cute at first, because I know she knows who I am, that I'm important to her, that she loves me and all that great stuff, but sometimes I wish she loved everyone else too! She's such a sweet baby, and so happy all the time, until there's either an unfamiliar face, or a camera anywhere near her. Ask anyone who's tried, it's near impossible to get a picture of her laughing, or even smiling! I feel like I'm always explaining to people, "she's really happy, I swear she smiles for me all day long!" So funny how babies can be! I just love her to death! .....and I promise she's a sweet happy girl!! Haha
This is her at her little cousin Maddie's birthday... not far from Mom's lap
My proof!!! One of the lucky moments she smiled for the camera! She's in her happy place, aka the dog cage.
This is Charli and her cousin Ava. They are so cute. I love this one, because she does not like the feel of the grass on her hands or feet. If you look she sat like this for quite a while with her foot in the air, so her little toes wouldn't touch the ground!! So funny.
those pictures are so funny. Luke hated the grass when he was little too. And he went through a major stranger anxiety phase at 9 months. I think it is pretty common for kids to have a little "mommy only" phase. good luck! it gets pretty exhausting after awhile.
Ya right she is really happy. What do you do to your poor little girl :) just kidding! She is adorable! I love her eyes. Hopefully I can join in as a mommy soon. It's just taking awhile!
I know charli is a happy baby! I am waiting for ava to get to that phase where i can't leave her side. maybe when she starts crawling ha ha. can't wait to see you on thursday!
Charli did really well at Maddie's party! Thank you guys for coming, it was great to see you both! Maddie is going through that stage now... for a while actually! She will run away from me, and doesn't have stranger anxiety, but she is also VERY attached to me. I have to do EVERYTHING for her, not her dad! And she WON'T smile for a camera! :)
Caden was like that when he was younger, but now he talks to everybody and doesn't care for mom as much. Lola went through that, but now she plays shy. Good luck with Charli. You will miss it once they don't want to hang out with you anymore:)
those pictures are so funny. Luke hated the grass when he was little too. And he went through a major stranger anxiety phase at 9 months. I think it is pretty common for kids to have a little "mommy only" phase. good luck! it gets pretty exhausting after awhile.
Ya right she is really happy. What do you do to your poor little girl :) just kidding! She is adorable! I love her eyes. Hopefully I can join in as a mommy soon. It's just taking awhile!
I know charli is a happy baby! I am waiting for ava to get to that phase where i can't leave her side. maybe when she starts crawling ha ha. can't wait to see you on thursday!
Charli did really well at Maddie's party! Thank you guys for coming, it was great to see you both! Maddie is going through that stage now... for a while actually! She will run away from me, and doesn't have stranger anxiety, but she is also VERY attached to me. I have to do EVERYTHING for her, not her dad! And she WON'T smile for a camera! :)
I think all kids go through a clingy stage, min bo th did!
She looks happy to me in those pictures. She's a cutie :) Is she walking yet?
Caden was like that when he was younger, but now he talks to everybody and doesn't care for mom as much. Lola went through that, but now she plays shy. Good luck with Charli. You will miss it once they don't want to hang out with you anymore:)
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