So it's not exactly her birthday, but who cares. Today Charli turns 9 months! She went to the doctor and is just growing up perfect! (Too fast, but perfect.) Her measurements are as follows: Height 28" 67%. Weight 16lb 12%. Head circumference 45.7cm 91%. I laughed when before the doctor told me her percentages, he told me she had a "genius" size head! Hahaha that's what I'll tell her. Having been to the doctor I'll throw out there a little reminder to never be afraid to ask tons of questions, about anything, but especially about autism. It just seems like we've been hearing so much about it lately, and I can't help but worry about whats going into my baby through immunizations. By asking questions you can at least gain so peace of mind, even if there is no definitive answers. So, that being said, Charli is a healthy happy baby girl!
She likes to snuggle with her blankets and her stuffed animals
She loves looking over the pond.... she always tries to stick her hands/feet/any part of her she can in the water!
My camera is so slow, its so hard to get pictures of her smiling! this is sort of a half smile:)
So today she was LOVIN this tent. She kept going in, and out, and in, and out! That is her uncle Keni in the back there.
Sittin on the little bridge over the water fall and pond with her Dad!
9 months wow! guess its time to start trying for baby #2...haha :) she is precious. Where did you get those adorable brown shoes??? I HAVE to get those for carlee
Very cute! That outfit she's wearing w/ the leggings is soooo cute! Where'd you get it? I wonder if they make stuff like that for the bigger girls?
I can't believe she is 9 months already! It seems like you just had her yesterday! I too, love the outfit with the leggings! Where do you shop???
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