We are POTTY TRAINED!!!!!!! Now I know you're not supposed to try and potty train right after you have a baby, and blah blah blah, but Charli was so ready I couldn't resist. Quite a while ago, she started sitting on the potty, and would sometimes pee, and we would make a really big deal about it, but it had to be her idea or she wanted nothing to do with it. But lately she really has wanted to go on the potty all the time, so I decided it was time to throw out the diapers and get her some "big girl underwear". I didn't really mess around with pull-ups, except for a few times when I went places and couldn't risk her wetting her pants. Anyways she's been peeing on the toilet for a few weeks now, accident free!!! Yeah!!! Oh except for the occasional dump she would take in her pants. Why do kids do that??? for a week we tried lollipops, gummy bears, ice cream, stickers, you name it, we bribed her with it to get her to poop in the toilet, and nothing worked. she would tell me she had to go, but it would be too late. I was pretty frustrated because at this point she refused to wear a diaper, and I was beyond sick of cleaning poop out of her underwear. But finally after about a week (that felt like a month) she started doing it, and the trick seemed to be Oreos! I'm proud to announce that I now only have one kid in diapers!! Yeah!

Oh, and she refuses to a trainging potty. We got her a Dora seat that goes on top of the toilet as well as her own little potty chair, and she wont use either! She needs to use "the big girl potty". And apparently so do some of her babies that have taken a swim in the toilet.

On another note, here is some recent pics of Brooks, who is just smiling like crazy lately!! My camera (which is the crappiest on earth) hardly ever gets it, but here's some pics anyways. He is HUGE! He was 12.5 lbs at his one month check-up, and his two month is next week so we'll see how much he's grown since then! It's so fun having a little chub this time:) Look at those cheeks! What a chunk!

Oh, and she refuses to a trainging potty. We got her a Dora seat that goes on top of the toilet as well as her own little potty chair, and she wont use either! She needs to use "the big girl potty". And apparently so do some of her babies that have taken a swim in the toilet.
On another note, here is some recent pics of Brooks, who is just smiling like crazy lately!! My camera (which is the crappiest on earth) hardly ever gets it, but here's some pics anyways. He is HUGE! He was 12.5 lbs at his one month check-up, and his two month is next week so we'll see how much he's grown since then! It's so fun having a little chub this time:) Look at those cheeks! What a chunk!