This post is a little random, because I'm playing a little catch up so bare with me.
This was the best buy of the summer for sure!!!! Its been so hot around here, and no where but your car has air conditioning!! I don't know why I didn't think of it sooner, but the other day I went to Target, and bought this little pool, and I think I officially have the happiest girl in the world!
This is Charli at the strawberry farm, where you go and pick your own strawberries, raspberries, and in the fall pumpkins!! Its really cute, they tell a little story, go on a little ride that just spins in a circle, and then go on a little trolley over to the field, where they fill up there little container with strawberries! Last year they had a petting zoo too, but I'm not sure what happened to that this year. Still fun though!

This is really random, but I just had to put it here as a little reminder that a monster truck show is NOT something I ever want to go to again!! First of all no one told me how freakin LOUD they are!!! I had ear plugs and still wanted to cover my ears! Poor Charli wouldn't let me put earplugs in her ears, so I had to cover hers the best I could with my hands and my jacket:( She really didn't seem to mind though. I guess I just didn't know what to expect, but I thought they would do more then just run over the same cars over and over again..... Not my thing I guess.

Here's us girls Me,
Charli, Bree, and Katie before the show!