With this girl, its hard to know where to even begin. She is constantly going through different phases, and into different things, that its hard to keep it all straight! One thing she has always been though is sweet as can be. She is so caring about every bug, worm, frog, dog cat (basically all animals) but she also is so caring to all her little dolls, and stuffed animals. Every single one (that's in her room) has to have a bed and a pillow.... that gets old fast haha! At first I thought it was just a stalling technique at bed time. Which she has MANY of, but then if you listen outside her door, your heart will just melt, as she says goodnight to all her babies, and tells them stories, and makes sure they're all covered up. She truly has a heart of gold. She sticks up for her little brother, cares about her friends and their feelings, and is always telling everyone how much she loves them! OK enough bragging about my first born little girl! I really love her to death!
She likes to help me around the house.... here she is making a necklace / noose out of the vacuum cord.
Some of Charli's favorite things:
MERMAIDS! ..... She is completely convinced they are real, and that someday she is going to be one.
Fairies, or anything with wings... which she also desperately wants.
All people her age:)
Fish! She's just like her dad. She likes to look at them, catch them and eat them! Although its so funny because she tells me she only eats the fish that have no eyes.... OK....
Dora, Bubble Guppies, Jake and the Never Land Pirates
Going to her Gooma's house
Going on vacations
Dressing up
The baby in my tummy
Feeding the birds
Wow this list really could go on forever, so lets just say she loves life, and there are few things she really doesn't like right now.
So the other night she told me to come into her playroom because she drew an "Amazing" picture of me, and one of dad too! She has drawn many pictures of us before, but for some reason these made me laugh so hard. listening to her describe what she drew was the best! She counted all the fingers, and on my picture told me I have brown eyes and a big nose, and lots of hair! hahaha! Che said Chris has a little bit of hair, and that he had red in his eyes. Seriously this will probably never be funny to any one but me because I was there, but I LOVE her little pictures she draws!
I feel like I need to say a little more about the mermaid obsession. She really loves mermaids, especially Ariel more than anything. She will slither around the floor, and tell me that's how mermaids move inside houses... She always wants to wear a swimsuit in the bath, and when ever Ursula dies at the end of the Little Mermaid, she will say "Mom, who's going to turn me into a mermaid now??"
She loves loves the zoo. Mostly because of the room with all the birds that come and land on a "seed stick" that you can buy for a dollar! She would go every day if it were up to her!
I know I'm leaving an insane amount of fun things out, about our little Charli, but I suppose that's more motivation for me to keep up on my blog! I can't wait to start posting all the funny things she says, because at least once a day, usually more, she makes me laugh by the funny random things she comes up with. We love her so much, and couldn't ask for a more perfect daughter!