Last weekend, despite my skepticism, we very last minute decided to go camping!! I used to love camping when I was little, and my family would go all the time! Sometimes we would even stay for like 3 to 4 days!!!! For some reason as time has gone by, my excitement to sleep on the ground and eat food you cook on a stick over a fire has somewhat declined. How was I gonna go pee 10 times in the middle of the night? It's scary outside when its dark, and I certainly wasn't gonna go by myself! So when Chris kept suggesting this is how we should spend our weekend, you can understand my hesitation. Finally I realized that if we didn't go, all we would be doing was yard work, I packed us up and agreed! All I can say is I'm so glad I did! Literally its was one of the funnest weekends I've had in a long time! Chris's parents have 50 acres on BEAUTIFUL Whidbey Island, complete with their own small lake, 4 wheeler type things (they call them odysseys), all the fishing stuff you could ever need, trampoline, basically you name it, its up there! Not to mention the beach is 2 minutes away, and there's animals (nice ones) everywhere! Just look at this!!
Ok I have to be honest this isn't just any deer. The care taker of the property/ good family friend Bill, found this little dear when she was a tiny baby, and had no mother! He took care of her, and now even though she's still wild, and is completely free to go wherever she wants, she still comes back to see him! She's very friendly, and will even eat right out of your hand! Charli loved it, and is still talking about "Missy" the dear. We also were lucky enough to see cottontail bunnys, owls, cranes, and bald eagles!
I really didn't take as many pictures as I should have (I never do) but this one shows just a tiny little bit of the property, so you can get somewhat of an idea of how beautiful it is. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to live in a place that is so amazing, green, and FUN!

The girls out for a little paddle boat ride with their dads! Oh yeah, Jeff and Talise decided to come with us too!
Charli holding her first little fishing pole! Mickey Mouse of course. She actually caught a couple fish on her pole, and Chris helped her wind them in!
I figured I'd put this one in, only because I'm ALWAYS the one taking pictures, so I have virtually no pictures of me with Charli! Please excuse my gross rolled up pants and disgusting outfit. Forgive me, we were camping!
The beach was really fun, especially for Charli who loved collecting things in her bucket! I tried to get her to collect shells, but she preferred to grab rocks and crabs! You wouldn't believe how many crabs there were! Every time you lift up a rock, a whole family of them would go running in all directions. Some were really big, and some were soooooo tiny!
Charli doing her thing
This is a really crappy picture of coast line, of course my camera doesn't do it justice at all, but it really is amazing. Oh and I guess my dogs Lola and Callie are there too.
Sweet girls!